Just End It reviewed by Isabelle Woods for Hooked on Books
“Blaber is an excellent author. I would definitely recommend this book to any adventure or mystery book lover. This is by far the best book I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a lot of books – and I mean a lot.” Isabelle Woods.
“This is an amazing book. Once I finished a chapter, I just wanted to keep reading because I wanted to know what was next. I was just intrigued to find out whether Jessie becomes friends with Hayley again and even if she becomes friends with Alexia as well. It’s such a good read, I hardly got bored. I’ve read it so many times and I don’t ever think I’ll ever get sick of it. All the chapter headings are all intriguing; you can predict what might happen next.” Isabelle Woods
Isabelle wrote this tremendous review for Hooked on Books, an incredible website for youth where young people submit reviews of books they’ve recently read. It’s part of the positive work performed by READ NZ Te Pou Muramura.
For the full review read more.