Keri's Party, Kiwi Critters series - Donna Blaber

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Keri's Party, Kiwi Critters series - Donna Blaber


Keri the Kiwi is going for a walk when she bumps into her best friend Piri the Pukeko and invites him to her party.

This is Book 1 in the Kiwi Critters series of books for children, aged 1-6 years.

All Kiwi Critters books are 100% created and printed in New Zealand using vegetable based inks and low environmental impact print processing methods.

The books are A6 size (10.5cm x 15cm) and consist of 20 pages including the cover. 

Also available to purchase online from The Kiwi Kids’ Bookstore, BookHub, and Squoodles.

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